Home >> Aircraft Mechanic Schools
You can attend one of the 170 FAR part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools
nationwide. These schools offer training for one mechanic's certificate or both.
Many schools offer avionics courses that cover electronics and instrumentation.
What does FAA certification of an aviation maintenance technician school mean?
Certification indicates the school meets the requirements of part 147, subpart
B, Certification Requirements, for the ratings issued. FAA certification does
not necessarily mean universities will extend college credit nor does it indicate
approval by other states or federal agencies.
Some schools offer a diploma and others may requires that you already have a
high school diploma or a General Education Diploma (GED) to apply. The courses
typically last from 12 month to 24 months, which is less than required by FAA
for on-the-job training. After you graduate, you will be qualified to take the
required FAA's written, oral, and practical exams.
According to the FAA, graduates often get higher starting salaries than individuals
who got their required experience in one of the other two ways.
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